The Most Important Differences Between Arctic and Antarctic

The Most Important Differences Between Arctic and Antarctic

The Arctic and Antarctica are two regions of the world located in the antipodes of the other. One in the northern hemisphere, the other in the southern hemisphere, these two worlds of ice balance the Earth. It seemed like binoculars, but these two masses have however some differences.
Designates the 'Arctic' term from the Greek "arktos", which means "bear". Referred to as such by the presence of the famous polar bear, the north pole is also the place where shine the Big Dipper and the little Dipper, these constellations that guided and still guide the browsers today. Antarctica and the Arctic are various geological differences and dissociate themselves by their population and their temperatures.
First of all, these two piles of ice differ in their status. One is a continent in itself, while the other is an immobilized by the cold ocean. Well Yes! Located on the southern hemisphere of our planet Earth, Antarctica is a pile of Earth covered 98% ice. Its status as a continent gives it a mountainous appearance and justifies even the presence of a few Arctic volcanos is much flatter. Consisting largely of a frozen ocean called "ice", it crosses also several continents: Greenland (Denmark), the Canada, the United States, the Russia, the Norway and the Iceland. North of the Sweden and the Finland there are sometimes embedded.
Also, these two worlds have inhabitants that have nothing in common. In addition to its majestic gathered in the form of colonies emperor penguins, Antarctica holds hardly a great diversity of species. By conditions of life very difficult and if not for scientific reasons, humans there are very few ventured. In contrast, the population of the Arctic is wide and varied: walruses, foxes, reindeer, seals, and polar bears coexist various indigenous people such as the Inuit and the Sami peoples.

Credits: 12 019 /Pixabay

Finally, both composed of ice, the Arctic and Antarctica also have very different temperatures. It is in Antarctica, the coldest temperatures were recorded:-10 ° C on the sides of the continent, they can reach - 20 ° C in the center of land and up to-55 ° C at high altitude. In 1983, scientists recorded the extreme temperature of 93.2 ° C! These very low temperatures are caused by a weak sunshine, isolation by an ocean current, the altitude, but also the reflective ice power.

The temperatures in the Arctic are a lot more "lenient". Even if they can wait - 70 ° C during cold periods, they are an average of-10 ° C and increase for several years already. The year 2016 has been crossed by a month of very hot November (-5 ° C), 20 ° C above normal for the season! Global warming is of course pointed out.

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