Setting Up Dedicated Server From A to Z
All the tutorials in order to set up a web server with Apache, PHP, MySQL, FTP, Postfix, monitoring services, backup, a bit of security, and the DTC panel.
Installation of a dedicated server from A to Z
These tutorials have been carried out under Debian (versions 4.0 and 5.0 Lenny Etch) but can be transposed to other Linux distributions including Ubuntu . They are applicable to the dedicated servers 1 & 1, Dedibox, OVH, Amen, and many others.

We start from the idea of getting a web server with all what it takes to host several domains and sites. You can configure everything by hand , or even trusting an administration panel.
Complete list without web panel

- First login : SSH, root and databases access
- Apache and PHP : web server
- MySQL : databases
- Proftpd : FTP server
- Postfix : SMTP and POP3 mail server
- Automatic backup : backup - manager and export FTP
- Security : the basic rules of, a firewall with iptables, fail2ban...
- Bind : run the DNS server chrooted
- Monitoring : keep an eye on its server thanks to monit and logwatch
- RoundCube : a light and fast webmail
Complete list with DTC administration panel

- First login : SSH, root and databases access
- Bind : run the DNS server chrooted
- Security : the basic rules of, a firewall with iptables, fail2ban...
- Panel DTC : to install and manage web services, ftp, mysql, e-mail, dns...
- Monitoring : keep an eye on its server thanks to monit and logwatch
- Automatic backup : backup - manager and export FTP
- RoundCube : a light and fast webmail
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